iGradr: Teacher Pocket Grader – A Simple and Quick Grading Calculator
The iGradr™ Teacher Pocket Grader for Android™ is a free and efficient grading calculator that is perfect for teachers, professors, assistants, students, interns, schools, and parents. This application is similar to cardboard graders, but with the added convenience of being on your phone. The iGradr™ is a great tool for grading quizzes, exams, homework assignments, tests, papers, and assessments.
The iGradr™ Teacher Pocket Grader is easy to use and can calculate grades in seconds. It is perfect for those who need to grade papers on-the-go or for those who want to save time. With this app, you can also create and save grade templates for future use. Overall, the iGradr™ is a great addition to any teacher or student’s toolkit.