Add Amazing Wallpapers Per New Tab
Wallpaper images, HD images, are a nice way to present content. You can easily manage it from your phone and also in other applications.
In the Google world, you can use Android as a second screen with widgets, such as a Wallpaper, to make this page more personalized and functional. It is the same for other Android users. In the Chrome world, you can use the same feature for desktop computers, such as the recent tab page. You can customize the color of your browser to look as unique as possible.
As you can see, there are multiple options. You can create your own color as a unique background. To this end, we need to add some images. You can use the option to set up as many images as you want. You can use icons, such as the search icon or the play icon. These images will change the color and can also change the color of the background.
You can easily find the image to use as a background or to put an icon. It is very easy to manage the background image of your browser in this app.
Now, if you want to know how the Wallpaper works, just add this extension and you can easily create your own image.
And the last but not the least, you can choose the wallpaper of your device in this app. This wallpaper will appear on the new tab page.