Hidden Camera Detector – Detec

by RR Games 2018 for Android 13.0

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A free app for Android, by RR Games 2018.

Have you ever wanted to find out what’s going on in that meeting or lecture, but couldn’t because the door was locked? Have you ever wanted to take a picture of that thing, but it was too dark to see it and you had to break the window?

If you have ever wondered what’s behind closed doors and locked windows in your home or workplace, then you’re in the right place! We make photo and video privacy and security easier than ever.

Our Hidden Camera Detector is a great tool for anyone who wants to have more privacy and security in their life. It will help you find and remove hidden cameras and cameras.

How can I use this app?

First, download the Hidden Camera Detector app and install it on your device.

Next, open the app and select “remove” from the menu.

After that, press the “scan” button and wait for the app to detect any cameras.

If the app finds any cameras, it will blink and show you the direction and the type of camera.

What can I do with the video?

You can save the video and photos from the camera.