GunSpinning VR

by Demonixis for Windows 10

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A zombie shooting VR game set in the Western era

GunSpinning VR gives you two guns and sets you in a town back in the old American west. The cowboys (men only) have become zombies and keep rushing at you. Shoot them down or get mauled.

Battle zombies in the old West

GunSpinning VR sets you against waves of NPC enemies that run at you. The enemies are zombies in cowboy gear. Most of them have no weapons or guns, but later in the game you start to see monsters throwing things in your general direction. As you progress, the zombies become faster, they come in larger groups, and some do not pause or stutter when you shoot them. Sadly, the NPC enemies do not react to your bullets other than to pause for a second. The game would have been far more interesting if one could shoot at different parts of the zombies and have them react in different ways. Also, stand there with your arms held out will eventually become tiring, which limits the amount of time some people will be willing to play the game.

A novel and immersive shooting game

GunSpinning VR doesn’t break new ground when it comes to VR first-person shooters, but the scenery, the setting, and even the idea of zombie cowboys, is a twist on the premise that few other games have thought of. Still, the game is not innovative, and is in-fact more proof that the games of the era it was produced have not caught up with the technology. It offers quick and giddy thrills for bullet-hungry players.