GPS Map Camera: Geotag Picture

by Bit Apps Tech for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Bit Apps Tech.

GPS Map Camera: Geotag Picture is an amazing app for all the people who love to capture the location of the places they visit and share them with their friends. With this app, you can add all the details of the places like the address, the map, the latitude and longitude, the weather, and even the date of the photo. You can also add other details like the camera type, the lens, and even the lighting of the place.

The app is very easy to use. First, you need to download it. Then, you need to select the place you want to visit. You can select the places from the list. You can also select the camera type, the lens, and the lighting.

After that, you need to click the button “Take Photo”. You will be able to see the place you want to visit on the preview screen. You can also set the time, the date, and the location of the photo.

When the photo is ready, you can click the button “Upload Photo”. The photo will be uploaded to the server. You can also download it from the server.

The app is free to use.