GPS Coordinates

by Oneago for Android 9.0

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GPS Coordinates: Your Perfect Travel Companion

GPS Coordinates is an Android application that allows users to establish their exact location using GPS location and provides coordinates in degrees, minutes, and seconds or decimal degrees. The app allows users to choose from four types of maps for their preferred view and comes with a compass that can be used with or without an internet connection.

One of the unique features of GPS Coordinates is its option to activate interior maps, which allows users to visualize each floor of airports, shopping centers, stadiums, and public transport stations that are enabled. The app also allows users to share their chosen coordinates through their preferred communication app and capture screenshots that are saved on their phone. Additionally, users can save their chosen coordinates and share them with others if desired.

GPS Coordinates comes with a speedometer and is free to use. If you’re an adventurer and love discovering new places, GPS Coordinates is the perfect tool for you.