by GFX47 for Android 9.0

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Program for victory in Gladiabots

Gladiabots is a strategy game in which, instead of directly commanding a squad of battle robots, you program their artificial intelligence and then test your work against single-player missions and multi-player battles. The game uses a simple visual programming interface that’s easy to get started with.

Be your own AI

At the heart of Gladiabots is the simple programming interface, which lets you give your bots commands in a series of decision trees. What enemies do they attack, and at what ranges? What do they do when their shields are down — back off or fight on? Do they advance quickly or stand their ground and defend? All these decisions are up to you to plan. Gladiabots is more complicated than that, though: the goal of the game is not to kill all of your enemy’s bots, but to grab a ball and run it into the enemy’s goal. Destroying the entire other team helps with that, of course, but if you’re focused on blowing up your opponents at the expense of scoring goals, you could wreak havoc on your targets and still lose.

No plan survives contact with the enemy

Gladiabots is a simple but challenging strategy game that really forces you to think about what will happen in a match rather than relying on reflexes and reactions. Its interface is simple, but translating that into victory requires thought and patience.