George Bush Wallpaper

by Gop for Windows 2003

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Place the American leader behind your deskop

I know George W gets a bit of a bad press these days, but some people believe he has done a good job as President. If you’re one of them, then you’re sure to like this desktop background featuring the man himself.

The wallpaper features a high-res shot of Bush Jr debating in front of Mount Rushmore, making for quite an iconic image. The picture is very clear and the colours are a perfect desktop compliment. The only thing I would point out is that George is perhaps a little too far to the left in the shot, meaning it’s easy for your icons to obscure him.

Obviously if don’t like the man then it’s best to steer clear of this one but if you’ve been pleased with Bush’s time in office then this is a high quality background to help you celebrate your devotion to him.

George W. Bush is the 43rd President of the United States. He was sworn into office January 20, 2001, after a campaign in which he outlined sweeping proposals to reform America’s public schools, transform our national defense, provide tax relief, modernize Social Security and Medicare, and encourage faith-based and community organizations to work with government to help Americans in need.

President Bush served for six years as the 46th Governor of the State of Texas, where he earned a reputation as a compassionate conservative who shaped public policy based on the principles of limited government, personal responsibility, strong families, and local control.