GARDENIZE Plant Care Journal

by Gardenize AB for iOS 16.4

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Gardenize – The Gardening Life Cycle

With Gardenize you can organize your garden and collect all your planting plans into one place. You can add photos and information for each plant, set events and reminders, and even draw on the images. Gardenize is designed to work for the whole gardening life cycle, from planting your garden to taking care of your plants. With Gardenize you get:

Plants: Create an unlimited garden library of plants and information about them. Set what you’re growing and see all the information you’re adding. View photos of plants you like and share them with your friends. You can also tag plants and create garden lists to find all the plants you want to grow.

Areas: Create unlimited garden areas, and link each one to its plants and notes. Each area can have one or many plants. You can add events, reminders, and photos to each plant.

Events: Add all the gardening activities that you take part in. Set what you want to do, and see all the notes and photos that relate to it.

Friends: Add your friends to your garden so you can share your gardening experiences with each other.

Chat: Chat with your friends about their gardens, ask for advice, and share your photos and planting plans.

Inspiration: Add pictures of plants you like and get inspiration for your garden.