Football Manager 2019 Touch

by SEGA for Android 9.0

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Mobile port of the popular Football Manager 2019

The world of football is mostly known through its various superstar players, but there’s no denying that the real people calling the shots are the sports managers. Sure, an individual player can make or break a game, or even a season, but all of the decisions that make a football club strong as a whole are made by the manager. If you’ve ever had the dream to become a hotshot football manager, the Football Manager 2019 Touch by SEGA will let you fill that fantasy. Designed to be more streamlined than the full Football Manager 2019 game, the Touch version has fewer features, but doesn’t lack in charm or enjoyability.

If It Ain’t Broke

The most noticeable thing about Football Manager 2019 Touch is the fact that it is virtually the same as the main Football Manager 2019 game in terms of design.  The color scheme is completely the same, and the overall aesthetics are no different from before. 

Most of the mechanics are also the same as the main game. Your objective is to create a powerful football club by choosing the best players for your team. Once you have selected your potential players, it’s now time to start training them to become the best in their chosen position. Match Day is when your team’s skills will be tested, but before sending them out, you can train them even further with tactics and playstyles. There are a wide variety of tactics that you can choose to train with. When you’re satisfied with the strength of your team, testing them out on a football match is the next step. You can choose strategies to employ and hope that your team is in top shape to claim victory.

Simpler Mechanics

Nothing has really changed much from other games other than a more streamlined simulation experience and revamped training mechanics. Instead of individually assigning your team’s training regime, you can set them to focus on training a particular problem area for a given time. Football Manager 2019 Touch also gets rid of the annoying press conferences that just serve to slow down the pace of the game.

Streamlined Version of Football Manager 2019

If the original version of Football Manager is too bulky for you then try out the Football Manager 2019 Touch. It has all of the main features that you’ll expect from any Football Manager game without sacrificing the quality. It’s also amazing how the Touch version did not lose any of the stellar quality that the original games had. Ultimately, it’s a great port of the Football Manager 2019 that’s equal to it both in graphics and mechanics.