
by Flickroom for Windows XP

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Browse Flickr on your desktop

Flickr is a great website to share photos, but sometimes it’s a bit uncomfortable to browse. Here’s where Flickroom may come in handy.

This sleek AIR-based app enables you to manage your Flickr account right on the desktop, without having to open the web browser and login to the website each time. You do have to open your browser for one thing though: authorizing Flickroom to retrieve data from your Flickr account.

The program includes all the Flickr native functionality, meaning you’ll be able to upload photos – simply by dragging and dropping -, add notes or comments, mark your favorites, and browse your contacts’ photos.

Flickroom features a really attractive interface, though I have to say it’s also quite slow, especially when working with large collections of images. But in general terms, it’s a nicer interface to work with the popular photo sharing website. Plus, it includes a few extra features such as an embedded chat tool and the ability to post links to photos on your Twitter account.

Flickroom offers you a different way to manage your Flickr account and browse online Flickr photo galleries.