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Free XHTML editor for online learning

eLearning XHTML editor (or eXe) is a free XHTML editor that can quickly publish web content for anyone who does not know how to edit HTML or XML. You can quickly import everything that you generate with this program to LMS or to the web. 

It is an open-source tool that’s meant for teachers and scholars. While simpler editors like Easy XML Editor may be downloaded, they do not work as specific as eXe. You can develop interactive study materials rapidly using this application. You may now add photos to your HTML pages.

How do you use iDevices?

eLearning XHTML editor was created in New Zealand as an open-source effort to address a void in the e-learning environment. There are many skilled instructors, but few of them have the technical knowledge required to use the web in this manner. This is where eXe comes into play. To begin, you must first download and install this free program on your computer. 

After it is installed, ‘eXe.exe’ would be generated. This is useful for running the program. You may include a number of activities on your site. All of them can include multiple choice, reading exercises, course goals, RSS or news feeds, photographs, text, other websites, and case studies. This is known as iDevices by the developer. All information may be accessed using a basic text editor.

Text may be copied and pasted from programs such as Microsoft Word. Without being proficient with HTML, you may also present visuals and computations, as well as being able to choose from many stylesheets in the program. The user-friendly device offers a basic user interface. Please select an image gallery to upload pictures and click the ‘Add Images’ button.

From paper to screen in a snap

This XHTML editor is an excellent addition to the e-learning field and will definitely help teachers to go online. It helps to improve the learning process and is important because of the changes in the way people are studying. If you are still not technically knowledgeable and would like to educate your students online, try eXe.