English Vocabulary Builder for GRE SAT more APK

by Galvanize Test Prep for Android 9.0

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English Vocabulary Builder for GRE SAT: Learn Words and Have Fun

English Vocabulary Builder for GRE SAT is a free vocabulary app developed by Galvanize Test Prep. The app is designed to help students learn new words and build their GRE vocabulary in a fun and easy way. With over 1800 must-know GRE words, the app is perfect for anyone preparing for competitive exams that include verbal sections like the GRE, SAT, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, and more.

One of the unique features of this app is the gamified vocabulary journey. Users earn game currency whenever they master words, which is a fun way to learn new vocab words. The app also has a pictorial representation accompanying words, examples of the words as used in sentences, and flashcards to help with long-term retention. With a simple-to-use interface, users can bookmark difficult words, get insights into their vocabulary skill-level, and test their grasp over the vocabulary they learned newly.

Overall, English Vocabulary Builder for GRE SAT is a great app for anyone looking to improve their English vocabulary skills. With its fun and addictive gamified approach, users can gain confidence as the words increase in difficulty. The app works offline and is the perfect aid to prepare for any competitive exam that includes verbal sections.