Easy Cartoonizer

by filipe-rosado-da-fonseca for Windows NT

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Software to easily convert photos in photo-realistic cartoons.

Software to easily convert photos in either photo-realistic or oil-painting cartoons. The cartoonization process is preceeded by steps where the part of the image to be cartoonized is choosen and where color enhancing filters (for instance, contrast and brightnance ones) can be applied to it. Cartoons are created as the result of joining two images together, the background and the foreground ones, which creation is controlled by the user. The process in which the background image is created gives it a more or less photo-realistic aspect. The foreground image represents a black mask, which is created in accordance with the edges that are found on the original image, being this mask what gives the cartoon aspect to the final image. Last but not least, the program has been created to be portable, thus, it does not require any installation at all and, as so, can be executed from a pen-drive.