Developer Material design APK

by Jan Tursky for Android 9.0

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Developer Material Design App Review

The Developer Material Design App is a free-to-use utility and tool software for Android devices. It is designed for developers, graphic designers, and general users who want to have better control over their phones. With more than 45 categories, this app offers an extensive range of features that allow users to test sounds, control audio, monitor battery, manage Bluetooth, edit names, control flashlights, and much more. The categories also include hidden codes, permissions, crash, and memory overviews. Users can also test notifications, customize them and check details about contacts, SMS, and call logs. The app is compatible with Android 9.0 and provides information on unique identifiers, build info, serial data, version numbers, processors info, and much more.

The Developer Material Design App is a comprehensive tool that provides users with a plethora of features to explore. It is easy to use and provides detailed information on various aspects of the device. The app is perfect for developers and graphic designers who want to have better control over their phones. It is also suitable for general users who want to know more about their devices and want to have more control over them. The app is free to use and is definitely worth a try.