DepEd RADaR: Rapid Assessment

by Department of Education for Android 13.0

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DepEd RADaR: Rapid Assessment

The DepEd RADaR: Rapid Assessment is a free mobile and web app developed by the Department of Education, in collaboration with Save the Children Philippines (SCP) and Prudence Foundation. It is an app that can be used to quickly report the impacts of different natural hazards on schools, such as infrastructure damages, personnel casualties, classrooms used as evacuation centers, temporary learning spaces needed, as well as non-infrastructure damages such as furniture, learning resources, and computer sets.

The app is compatible with Android 9.0 and can be downloaded for free. It is designed to be user-friendly, with easy-to-understand instructions that guide the user through the process of reporting the damages. The app is an excellent tool for school administrators and staff who need to quickly assess the damages caused by natural disasters and take immediate action to address them.