DatAnswers Chrome Local File Opener

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How to Open Files With Chrome and DatAnswers

Are you looking to open files on your local area network (LAN) using Chrome? Are you an authorized user of DatAnswers? If so, you can open files from any UNC-format link using Chrome.

What is UNC?

UNC is a file format that enables users to transfer files between two different devices without having to install drivers. In addition to this, the file type has no requirements on its size and can be opened in an unlimited number of locations.

Now, let’s start using it!

Download the extension from Google Play and launch it for the first time. This will enable the extension to detect whether you are an authorized user of DatAnswers and to provide you with a warning when you try to open a file.

How to open files with Chrome and DatAnswers:

First of all, make sure that you are an authorized user of DatAnswers. If you are, you will be redirected to the main login page. If you don’t have an account, click “Create new account” and follow the instructions on the page.After you have signed in, click on the login tab in the main menu. You will be redirected to the “Login with Google” page. Then click “Sign in with Google” and follow the instructions.After you have signed in, click on the link to open the file in DatAnswers. You will be redirected to the window where you can authorize DatAnswers to save your credentials to Google. Once you are finished doing that, you can open the file in DatAnswers.