
by Databeast for Mac OS (68k/PPC)

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Useful Telnet client

Emulator window drawing routines have been modified so display of text files transmitted from the host will be processed 2-3X faster, with screen updates of the current page of large files occurring every second rather than every two seconds.Added support for Keyboard Interactive mode in SSH, along with a dialog to perform the Challenge/Response interaction. SSH sessions are configured by default to use the session password as the response, and skip the dialog when there is only one Challenge from the host; this feature can be disabled using the “Use session password automatically” checkbox in the “Configure SSH” dialog (which is reached from the Configure Terminal Session dialog).Added a Cancel Macro dialog to display a string and query the user whether she wishes to cancel the current macro, along with a “!QM” macro command to post the dialog. The “!p?” RSLT_TESTMACROFAIL macro command can now also have an optional string appended to it (ending with “!\000”), in which case failure will bring up the Cancel Macro dialog with the string used as a prompt.


  • Emulator window drawing routines have been modified so display of text files transmitted from the host will be processed 2-3X faster, with screen updates of the current page of large files occurring every second rather than every two seconds.Added support for Keyboard Interactive mode in SSH, along with a dialog to perform the Challenge/Response interaction. SSH sessions are configured by default to use the session password as the response, and skip the dialog when there is only one Challenge from the host; this feature can be disabled using the “Use session password automatically” checkbox in the “Configure SSH” dialog (which is reached from the Configure Terminal Session dialog).Added a Cancel Macro dialog to display a string and query the user whether she wishes to cancel the current macro, along with a “!QM” macro command to post the dialog. The “!p?” RSLT_TESTMACROFAIL macro command can now also have an optional string appended to it (ending with “!\000”), in which case failure will bring up the Cancel Macro dialog with the string used as a prompt.

Fast, reliable, high quality terminal emulation on Macintosh for Internet or direct modem dialups connections.