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coronaBlock: Filtering the Good from the Bad

In a world saturated with information, it can be overwhelming to filter through the good and the bad, especially during a pandemic. RidDev’s coronaBlock is a Chrome plugin designed to disable references to the coronavirus and replace them with positive news.

Psychologists have confirmed that reading bad news can significantly increase anxiety levels. However, with the constant stream of information on the internet, it’s nearly impossible to completely ignore the news. coronaBlock aims to help reduce anxiety and remove negative news from your sight. It serves as a reminder that even in troubled times, there is still good in the world.

Once activated, coronaBlock replaces all words related to the coronavirus with paragraphs from uplifting news articles by default. If needed, you can easily disable the blocker to return to the initial state.

coronaBlock also offers a referral program, allowing users to unlock additional blocking functions for free. By inviting a friend with your referral code, you gain the ability to block any words you choose. Create a calm and positive atmosphere free from toxic and distressing news with the help of coronaBlock.