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Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action. Different sites have different objectives, so conversion comes in many forms, from registering for a newsletter to completing a purchase. For example, let’s say you get 1,000 visits to your site, and 20 orders. Your sales conversion rate = 20 /1,000 = 2%.

Conversion is the #1 E-Commerce Metrics every executive needs to know. This is startling because the conversion rate is a measure of a site’s ability to persuade visitors to take a desired action, one its managers or owners want them to take. It’s a reflection of the site’s effectiveness and of customer satisfaction. For a site to achieve its goals, its visitors must first achieve their goals. There’s just no two ways about it. In a word: Conversion Rates Measure Success!

Conversion Track can help you better understand the behavior of your sites visitors and accurately evaluate promotion efficiency, which will ultimately help you improve the conversion rates and return on investment of your online business.