
by Google LLC for Android 13.0

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Google’s contact management app

Google Contacts is a free utility software from Google that lets you manage all your contacts. It works as an online address book, allowing you to store and organized contact information. It integrates with Google’s cloud service, which means it can be accessed and managed on any signed-in device. Each contact can contain basic information, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers. However, extended information like the physical address, employer, department, or job title is not included. 

Sync your contacts

Google Contacts works in three ways. It can be a standalone app, a part of Gmail, or as part of Google’s business-oriented suite of web apps, Google Apps. Either way, it can store all your contacts and allow you to access them on any device, provided that you sign in using your Google account. As a standalone app, Google Contacts comes with a clean interface, which is very similar to your phone’s built-in Contacts app.

Upon launching and signing in, the app will automatically save all the contacts in your phone and email and arrange them alphabetically. You can, of course, edit the imported contacts. However, the contact editing feature is very basic with limited fields. Under the app menu option, users can see the suggestion tab. In this tab, the app gives you suggestions to manage your contacts easily, including merging duplicate contacts and adding people to your list.  Then, you can see the option to create labels.

Labels are two or more contacts grouped into accounts. Having labels will make it easier for you to send a group message or email. You only need to choose a label and choose the “send message” or “send email” option. Google Contacts will direct you to your chosen messaging app with your label contacts already added. There is no limit to the number of labels you can create. However, adding contacts to a label can be tedious, as you need to add them one by one. 

Keep contacts organized

Google Contacts boasts a sleek design, making it easy for users to work around their contacts. The app lets you customize your view by simply clicking the three dots menu option beside the search bar. From the customize view option, you can choose to display all your contacts or view them by accounts—personal, work, or other labels. 

There is also a settings option under the drop-down menu where you can customize your usage further. You can sort your contacts and even set the name format. Moreover, there is an option to change the theme of the app from light to dark. Still under the settings menu are the import and export contacts button. You can also find the option to block numbers

Access and manage your contacts anywhere

Google Contacts is a handy app for syncing and backing up your contacts. It leverages your Google account and backs up your contacts to the cloud. With this, you can access them anywhere. On top of that, it comes with a clean and simple interface, allowing you to manage your contact list easily. Of course, there are still a few drawbacks that need patching up. However, it is an overall useful app to have