Configurator UMKa3XX

by ГЛОНАССсофт for Android 9.0

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Configurator UMKa3XX: Wireless Configuration for GPS/GLONASS Terminals

Configurator UMKa3XX is an Android application developed by ГЛОНАССсофт, which allows wireless configuration of GPS/GLONASS terminals UMKa3XX. This application is designed for commercial vehicle monitoring and allows quick configuration of the terminals without using cables or additional devices. It also facilitates the checking and changing of necessary settings on previously installed devices.

The application can be used to configure terminals using Bluetooth or via a configuration server. With Configurator UMKa3XX, users can easily manage the settings of UMKa3XX devices, making it a useful tool for anyone who needs to monitor commercial vehicles. The program is free to use and is available for Android devices.