CLIQ.r (Remote Controller) APK

by smardi for Android 9.0

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CLIQ.r (Remote Controller) – A Multipurpose Smart Phone Remote Controller

CLIQ.r is a multipurpose smart phone remote controller application designed for Android devices. It is a photography app that can be used to take pictures using the CLIQ.r remote controller. However, to use the remote control mode, you need to purchase the CLIQ.r device. The app can be registered on multiple smartphones at once, and once registered, it can be used anytime.

By using CLIQ.r, users can use their smartphone’s camera in various ways. The remote control feature of the app provides users with a perfect picture-taking experience when taking pictures with friends. The app is easy to set up and use, making it a great addition to any photography enthusiast’s toolkit.

Overall, CLIQ.r is a great app that provides a unique way to control your smartphone’s camera. The app is free to use, but the remote control mode requires the purchase of the CLIQ.r device. If you’re looking for a fun and easy way to take pictures with your smartphone, then CLIQ.r is definitely worth checking out.