Chrome Decolonized

by teddeej for

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Chrome Decolonized: A Browser Extension for Indigenous Language and Culture

Chrome Decolonized is a free browser extension developed by teddeej that aims to promote indigenous language and culture by replacing foreign names with original names used by indigenous people. Designed as an educational aid, this extension provides users with an opportunity to see the world from a pre-colonized perspective.

Upon loading a website, users will notice the icon to (De)Colonize their pages. Initially, the pages will display the original scripting. By clicking the app, users can toggle between colonized terminology and indigenous endonyms. For instance, the extension can switch between the terms “Cherokee” and “Tsalagi” as used by the Cherokee people.

It is worth mentioning that there is a current bug where users may have to click twice to set the toggle for a new tab. However, the developer is actively working on resolving this issue. Additionally, the extension is currently in beta stage, with plans to include more indigenous names and endonyms from around the world.

Chrome Decolonized offers a unique way to learn about indigenous people and languages, providing a fresh perspective on our shared history. Explore the rich diversity of indigenous cultures with this browser extension and broaden your understanding of the world around you.