Catch The Message

by マイプリント株式会社 for Android 13.0

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Catch The Message: An AR App for Bringing Print Photos to Life

Catch The Message is a free Android application developed by マイプリント株式会社. It is an innovative app that uses AR technology to bring print photos to life as videos. By simply scanning the QR code on the designated print material with your smartphone, the photo on the print material comes alive and starts moving as a video. This AR (Augmented Reality) technology overlays digital content, such as videos, onto real-world scenes, creating a unique and interactive experience.

To use Catch The Message, follow these steps:

1) Launch the Catch The Message app.

2) Scan the dedicated QR code on the print material.

3) The video will be downloaded.

4) Position your camera so that the entire print material is visible on the screen.

5) Watch as the photo on the print material starts moving as a video.

In addition to its primary function, Catch The Message also allows you to scan general QR codes to open URLs in Chrome or copy text to the clipboard.

Please note that Catch The Message requires Android OS 4.4 or above to run, although it does not guarantee compatibility with all devices, including tablets. Also, keep in mind that the app uses Qualcomm’s Vuforia library, and certain anonymous device information may be transmitted to Qualcomm’s servers for statistical analysis and product improvement purposes.

Experience the magic of AR and bring your print photos to life with Catch The Message!