Cartões Dacasa

by Dacasa Financeira for Android 9.0

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Cartões Dacasa – Financial management made easy

Cartões Dacasa is a free Android application developed by Dacasa Financeira that allows clients and merchants to have full control over their financial management. With a user-friendly interface, the app provides a wide range of features that make managing finances a breeze.

For clients, the app offers easy access to their purchase history, information on due dates and optimal days for purchases, limits, and accredited establishments. It also allows for purchases through the app and provides information on products. Additionally, the app offers a second copy of the invoice with a barcode for payment and access to customer service centers.

For merchants, the app provides easy access to sales history, sales through the app, and cancellation of sales. It also has access to customer service centers.

Overall, Cartões Dacasa provides a convenient and efficient way for clients and merchants to manage their financial activities on the go.