Carcassonne – Tiles & Tactics

by Asmodee Digital for Windows 8

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The classic board game goes digital

Fans of the classic board game Carcassonne are in for a treat as they can now play the game at any time. Asmodee Digital dropped a new version with Carcassonne –Tiles & Tactics. While it does not re-invent the core of the game, this game app is a slightly sleeker version. It contains the same rules but displays the game in a new UI and an isometric 3D board game effect. The game allows you to play against AI players if you want to play solo. There is also local and online multiplayer if you want to play with your friends.

Same fun experience

As mentioned, Carcasonne –Tiles & Tactics is the digital version of the classic tile-placement game. And if you know the game, you’ll know that there isn’t much story behind it. It is simple to learn because it is a turn-based strategy game with limited actions. The only thing you need to know is that you need to draw and place a tile with a piece of southern French landscape in it. The tile might feature a city, a road, a grassland, or some combination, thereof.

Players must place the tile adjacent to tiles already played. The challenge, the tiles need to be placed in a way that cities connect to cities, roads connect to roads, etc. Over time, the players can decide to put one of their meeples on the tile they placed. These meeple figurines will be a knight in the city, a robber on the road, or a farmer on the grass. When the area is complete, the meeple placed can score points for the owner.

Scoring occurs both during the player’s turn and at the end of the game. Landscapes are scored when completed. The game ends when no tiles are remaining, and all incomplete features are scored. Players with most followers in the feature will also be awarded points. In case of a tie for the most followers, both players will be awarded the full points.

The classic game in a modern package

Carcassonne –Tiles & Tactics did not bring something new, gameplaywise. However, the developer put in a lot of effort when it comes to the graphics. It remained faithful to the classic experience. The game even has a wooden table-like design where you will place the tiles, one by one. With this, it still feels like you are playing the board game.

To make it better, the tiles look exactly like they do in real life. Even the pawns look the same. However, the developers did not jump to the chance to add some animations to the meeple and made them come to life. True to the board game, the pawns are immobile as a wooden chair. The only animation added to the game happens once a city is complete since it is actually built on bare land you puzzled together.

Aside from 3D modelization, Carcasonne –Tiles & Tactics also added field view, which allows you to see the field possession of each player. There is also the remaining tile list where you can see the remaining tiles in the draw pile. More so, the game offers two new expansions, namely the river and the abbot. With this, you get to experience something new to the game.

As mentioned, the game allows you to play solo against 3D AI players. However, it also lets you pass and play on the same device with your friends and family. But if you want more challenge, you can play the online multiplayer mode. In this mode, you can play publicly with players around the globe or create private games and invite your friends. It also features ranked games and leaderboard as well as chat and lobby to interact with other players.

Bringing the nostalgia

All in all, Carcasonne –Tiles & Tactics gives you quite the same experience as the board game. However, with this app, you can play on your own whenever you want. More so, it will have nicer graphics and added content for a new challenge. If you are a fan of the classic Carcassonne, then this game is worth picking up.