Calcagro – Farming Calculator APK

by Farmis for Android 9.0

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Calcagro – Farming Calculator for android from Farmis

Calcagro is a farm and plantation calculator for you. It helps you calculate the necessary amount of seeds, water, fertilizer, and other inputs for your farming and plantation. It’s easy to use, with a user-friendly interface, so even if you have no experience in agriculture, you can use it easily.

It has been designed to help you in the following ways:

# Seeding and plantation calculator for different types of seeds, such as wheat, barley, soybean, and more.

# Yield calculator for different types of crops, such as wheat, barley, rape seed, corn, soybean, and more.

# Grazing calculator for grass, pastures, and weeds.

# Fertility calculator for use with NPK fertilizers.

# Calculates profit and losses for the farmer.

# Calculates the amount of seeds, fertilizer, and other inputs that are needed for the farming and plantation.