Calca app

by ApliArte Erbolamm TutoGrati for Android 13.0

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A free app for Android, by ApliArte Erbolamm TutoGrati.

This application allows you to make drawings on any image that you have on your device or that you capture with your camera. It is very easy to use. You will have the ability to rotate, zoom and move the image. You can also select the area you want to draw.

You can also save your final result and share it on social media.

How does it work?

The application will choose an image from your device or from the internet. It can be a photo, a drawing, a text, a sketch, or an image file. With this app, your device can act as a camera lucida or as a projector.

Then you will go to the editing area. You can rotate left or right in 90-degree sections, and you can also scale the image to the desired height.