
by Google for Android 4.3

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Early-Access Software to Share Local Stories with the Community

Bulletin allows users to share stories within the Google online community. This can help to increase social awareness and to spread information about a particular subject. This program is still in its early stages of development.

Proposed Intentions and Primary Features

Bulletin is intended to be used as an effective method to share stories with other members. Of course, users will also have the ability to browse through topics based off of parameters such as subject, upload time or region. The developers claim that the ultimate goal of this new software is to promote greater online social integration and to highlight stories which could have an impact upon the general public. It can be a great method to relate stories that are not seen within mainstream media outlets.

An Easy and User-Friendly Application

Bulletin is very easy to use and no prior experience is needed. All that is required is that the user owns a mobile phone equipped with the Android operating system. Stories can be shared by email, social media networks or messaging applications. It is not known if this software will be free to install.