Bright Cleaner – speed booster

by Outfitno for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Outfitno.

The Bright Cleaner is a free mobile phone application for Android. It can be used to clean the cache and junk files of your mobile phone. It can also be used to free up the memory.

How to Use the Bright Cleaner

1. Open the application and select the cleaning option.

2. Choose the type of cleaning you want to do.

3. Select the location of the files you want to clean.

4. Press the Start button to begin the cleaning process.

5. When the process is completed, the results will be displayed.

6. Press the Finish button to complete the process.

The Benefits of Using the Bright Cleaner

It can help to improve the performance of your phone.

It can help to free up the memory.