
by Google for iOS 4.1

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Use Google’s blogging service from your iOS device

Google’s Blogger was once the hottest blogging platform around, but since the rise of WordPress and various microblogging services, it’s started to look decidedly creaky.

The Blogger for iOS app is aimed to help the service compete with things like Tumblr which are really well suited to mobile blogging. Unfortunately, the Blogger app fails right away to grab your attention, lacking the cool feel of other apps.

Blogger is best described as utilitarian. If it’s the platform you use, sure it might be useful to be able to blog on the move. But there is nothing that might attract new users. You can merely write posts, take photos, add them from your library, and also add your location. The presentation is dry and unexciting, though functional.

If you use Blogger, this app will let you to basic blogging from your phone. However, the overall experience feels flat and underdeveloped.