Convert to and from flash format
BitComet FLV Converter is a useful, free Windows software, that belongs to the category Video software with subcategory Converters (more specifically Flash video) and has been created by Bitcomet.
More about BitComet FLV Converter
Since we added this program to our catalog in 2011, it has managed to obtain 92,372 downloads, and last week it had 8 downloads.It’s available for users with the operating system Windows 2000 and former versions, and you can get it in English and Chinese Simp. The current version of the software is 1.0 and it has been updated on 6/20/2011.About the download, BitComet FLV Converter is a slick software that requires less free space than the average program in the category Video software. It’s a program frequently downloaded in United States, Austria, and Sri Lanka.