Baliraja Survey

by E-katta for Android 13.0

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Baliraja Survey: A Farmer-Focused Data Collection App

Baliraja Survey is a free Android app developed by E-katta that focuses on collecting economical, social, and family-related data from farmer families. The app collects various types of questions and answers related to the farmer’s lifestyle, crop production, and other relevant topics. It is compatible with Android 13.0 and is categorized under Social & Communication.

The app’s main feature is its ability to collect data from farmers, which can be used to improve farming practices and provide better support to farmers. Baliraja Survey has a user-friendly interface that allows farmers to easily answer the questions. The app is also designed to be accessible to farmers with limited technical knowledge. Overall, Baliraja Survey is a useful tool for collecting data from farmers and improving the agricultural sector.