Avatar Anvil: 3d Animated Character Creator

by Chris John Digital for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by Chris John Digital.

Avatar Anvil is a great tool for creating your own personalized 3D animated character and avatars in minutes. Use it to build your own hero, or to create a personalized character for your Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other tabletop RPG.

Avatar Anvil allows you to build a unique 3D avatar from scratch. Customize their appearance by changing their skin color, hairstyle, clothing, armor, weapons, and more!

You can scale and rotate the different parts of the body to further customize their appearance. You can even add accessories like hats, glasses, masks, and more!

You can set the lighting direction and color, as well as the fog density and color. You can share your avatars as png or gif files. They are compatible with Roll20, DnDBeyond, Fantasy Grounds, and many more virtual table tops.