
by Alex A. dos Santos for Windows Vista

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Automatically find song lyrics

AutoLyrix is a flexible little application that syncs with a variety of music players to bring you artwork and lyrics for any track you’re listening to.

Th list of supported players is extensive, from iTunes and Last. fm to more obscure ones like Screamer Radio and Apollo. Upon opening, AutoLyrix will automatically show you lyrics for whatever you’re listening to at the moment.

Results are found using Google, which means results are only as good as the internet. For popular music, this is no problem, but AutoLyrix will struggle to find results for wierder tracks.

If you’re not happy with its results, you can click a button to go to the next search or search again.

AutoLyrix is fast loading and its results are quick too.

The presentation is very basic, though, so while AutoLyrix doesn’t perform lyric finding adequately, it doesn’t look pretty. Despite this, it’s quite refreshing to see a program that performs a function without too many bells and whistles.

Anyone who has searched for lyrics online will know the pages offering them are often full of annoying pop-ups and dead links, so this is a great way to cut out the middle man.

FIXED: Lyric searches with quotes, singlequotes, etc charactersFIXED: support for RadioSureFIXED: AlbumArt with better resolution/quality imagesNEW: Initial Support for DBus (Linux)QuodLibet support (Linux through DBus)Arabic language addedJapanese language addedPortable version (USB) install file available


  • FIXED: Lyric searches with quotes, singlequotes, etc charactersFIXED: support for RadioSureFIXED: AlbumArt with better resolution/quality imagesNEW: Initial Support for DBus (Linux)QuodLibet support (Linux through DBus)Arabic language addedJapanese language addedPortable version (USB) install file available