Autolyrics Winamp

by Autolyrics for Windows 2000

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Automatically display the lyrics of songs

One way of enriching your musical experience is to learn the lyrics to all those songs you know and love. Thanks to Autolyrics Winamp, music lovers have an easy way to do just that every time they listen to MP3’s on their PC. Autolyrics Winamp is a small plug-in that displays the lyrics of songs as they play as long as you’ve got an internet connection.

Once installed, the plugin opens every time you start Winamp. The lyrics window opens in a window behind the player but it can be minimised to the tray. The perennial problem with these types of programs is that they often don’t recall the right lyrics. We found that in around 70% of cases, Autolyrics Winamp does but much depends on whether your Mp3 tags are labelled correctly. The program can also cache lyrics so that you don’t always have to be online which is a useful feature. However, when you are online, it displays Adsense ads down the sidebar which is a bit annoying. On the plus side, it does offer links to further album and artist info although many of these are sponsored. You’ll definitely find your music experience seriously enriched by learning all those lyrics you never knew.

Autolyrics Winamp is a a plug-in for Winamp that automatically displays the lyrics of most of the songs you play.

Thanks to this simple plug-in, you can get much more out of your music by learning all your favourite lyrics as they play in your playlist.