Audiodpe a completely free audio editor.
Audiodope in a free audio editor and recorder that can process most audio formats. You can record from any source line in, microphone, live streaming etc. Audiodope features support for importing, processing and exporting WAV, FLAC, MP3, and OGG Vorbis files. Bundled with a large array of plug-ins and effects, this software is ready for audio recording/playback, track mixing and audio spectrum analysis.
Sound editing functions such as copy, cut, paste, delete, insert, trim.
Apply processes like click removal, DC offset correction, compressor, echo, fading, inversion, noise reduction, normalization, pitch scale, pitch shift, reverbation, reversing, sound 3D, tempo, true bass, volume
Filters like, moving average, high-pass, low-pass, band-pass.
Special effects like flanger, phaser, chorus, gargle.
Listen to the audio file with play, pause, stop commands
Record from any source
Various tools like, frequency analyzer, tone generator, noise generator, DTMF synthesis, text to speech.
Process any channel separately or both
Apply third party VST plug ins
This software has the functionality to process an audio file similar to other professional products like Soundforge but free of charge. You can also use many VST plug-ins to enhance the functionality already built in to the software.
This application is intended for the home user and professional and anyone who wants to edit an audio file