Audible Library Extractor

by joonaspaakko for

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Extract Audible Library Metadata and Generate a Locally Viewable Web Gallery

This is an extension that can extract your Audible library metadata and automatically generate a locally viewable gallery that can also be uploaded online. You can choose to save the gallery as a standalone web gallery using the floppy disk button at the top right corner.This app has been designed to be simple to use and user-friendly. If you are new to Audible and you just want to make a quick change to your account, you can do that by following the quick usage instructions.In order to make a change, you need to go to your account settings and then the “Audible Library” tab. You can find this tab in the menu on the left side of the screen.After you click the “Audible Library” tab, you can choose what to extract and start the extraction process by clicking the big blue button.After the extraction is done, you will get a new tab with the gallery.