
by AtlasOS for Windows 10

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Reach your best when it comes to PC games

AtlasOS is a free operating system that allows you to enjoy gaming on your PC better. This OS is a transparent and streamlined modification of Windows — redesigned to perform better for video games, in particular. It’s also great for those who want more privacy out of their operating system’s features. 

Unlike Windows, AtlasOS focuses on reducing your computer’s processes, freeing up RAM usage, and increasing FPS (frames per second). It is a developmental open-source project and can be easily installed without altering your current files, as long as you take precautions in setting it up.

What is AtlasOS?

Developed back in 2021, AtlasOS — or simply “Atlas” — is an open and transparent operating system that is designed to optimize the performance, privacy, and stability of your PC. As a mod of the Windows operating system, it basically strips it down so that your PC system places emphasis on more important functionalities. Mainly, it disables certain features of Windows, fine-tunes them, and even gets rid of Microsoft’s app tracking and bloatware. 

This not only improves your computer’s performance with better latency and framerates but also ensures that your OS doesn’t encroach on your security and privacy with its features. Thus, this operating system is actually best for PC gaming. Compared to Windows, Atlas can lower your PC’s process count from 145 to a mere 35. It can also free up around 1.4GB of RAM and ramp up your FPS from 200 to 300. 

Atlas is apt for any type of user, whether they have a low-end PC or a high-end gaming machine. It has in-depth guides and documentation to help you set it up. It even has two types of installation: USB and No USB. However, take note that there’s a chance you can lose your files when upgrading to it. You’ll need to be careful with where you save your files.

Worth checking out

All in all, AtlasOS is a great alternative if you’re looking to boost and maximize your PC’s performance — whether it’s strictly for gaming purposes or something else. While there’s a threat of losing some files, they can still be safe as long as you properly follow the guides that are freely available online. This is a highly recommended OS to try out if you have a new PC, as well.