Area of Attack

by Area of Attack for Android 9.0

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Area of Attack – A Role Playing Game for Android

Area of Attack is a free-to-play role-playing game available for Android devices. It is developed by Area of Attack and falls under the category of games with a subcategory of role-playing. The game’s plot is based on a meteorite that landed on the ancient mainland, causing it to break into dozens of islands floating on the ocean. This event led to the appearance of mutated monsters and secret areas on each continent. Initially, monsters attacked wild animals, but humans soon faced an unprecedented threat.

However, humans also received unique abilities from the meteorite and began to form forces and magic. They gradually became stronger and united to establish an alliance of defense. The heroes of the alliance are responsible for guarding their homes, but some also explore the secret areas to exterminate monsters and obtain rewards. In this game, you get to play as one of the heroes who must explore these secret areas, defeat monsters, and save humanity from the threat.