A Day In The Lie

by Jordan Browne for Windows 10

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Explore the Mind of a Serial Killer in A Day in the Lie

A Day in the Lie is a free interactive story with a distinctive pixel art style. It places the player into a tale of psychological horror.

An Interactive Psychological Horror Story

The plot of A Day in the Lie takes place after a series of shootings, with the sniper serving as central character. As the player navigates an urban environment, the murderer will voice his twisted philosophy. You can interact with a range of different elements of the game’s world, but the protagonist’s journey follows a set path as the story unfolds. Explore a series of pixel-art locations ranging from a home to an office block rooftop to a run-own bar, and listen with increasing dread as the murderer chooses his next target.

An Innovative Interactive Experience

A Day in the Lie is an offbeat, experimental piece of interactive entertainment. It lacks any kind of challenge, and instead invites the player to follow the story as it heads towards its twist ending. Those looking for an action-oriented experience will not appreciate A Day in the Lie, but users who want something unusual and thought-provoking should find it a memorable experience.