Material Design APK

by Eajy for Android 9.0

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Material Design: A Demo App for Implementing Modern Design

Material Design is a demo app developed by Eajy that showcases the modern Google Material Design. It offers a comprehensive range of material design components such as NavigationView, CoordinatorLayout, AppBarLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout, NestedScrollView, TabLayout and more. It is built with the design support library and provides a clear example of how to implement material design in apps. This app also includes adaptive icons, app shortcuts, and shared element transitions.

The app offers a clean and intuitive interface with all the necessary material design components. The navigation is smooth and effortless, thanks to the app’s use of BottomNavigationView. The app also features a RecyclerView, CardView, and TextInputLayout to provide users with an immersive experience. Overall, Material Design is an excellent demo app for developers looking to implement modern and intuitive design in their apps.