City Robber: Thief Simulator Sneak Stealth Game

by Space Tech Gamers for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Space Tech Gamers.

City Robber: Thief Simulator Sneak, Stealth Game is the newest and best game of thief simulation. In the game, you will rob the houses in a suburban neighborhood. You will play as a low-level crook, who is hired by a pawn shop owner to steal precious items. You will have to complete a target, which consists of various tasks and missions. You will be able to pick up valuable items, such as cash, jewelry, and other valuable objects.

In the game, you will rob the houses in the neighborhood. Your mission is to get as much cash as possible. You will be able to complete the tasks in the game in three different modes. In the first mode, you will have to break into the house. In the second mode, you will have to avoid the security system. Finally, you will have to get away from the cops.