
by Visit Website for Windows 98

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HappyHarvester is an advanced tool that extracts data from text sources, whether it be text files on hard disk or web pages on the internet. HappyHarvester extracts the data you need from the large amount of data you feed it. You can scan for example your text files or e-mails to extract product or customer information. Or you can scan a web site to find and extract the information you need.

HappyHarvester’s powerful parser can be used to extract descriptions, names, addresses, titles, prices, stock data, and more. The software can gather data from business directories, forums, search engine results, etc. You can import an url-list or use the URL-generator for querying web databases.

The intuitive user interface has been designed to get you started in minutes. Let it scan ranges of web pages automatically and harvest the results you need and export the results to Excel, for instance. The application can also can a directory for files and process these to extract data.