VR Night Vision for Cardboard NVG Simulation

by Defpotec Studios for Android 9.0

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VR Night Vision Goggles – Convert Your VR Headset Into Night Vision Goggles

The VR Night Vision Goggles is a Virtual Reality application that allows you to watch all the details in a video feed and a 3D AR (Augmented Reality) HUD (Heads-Up Display) with live data including GPS and compass.

Converting your VR headset into a pair of night-vision goggles using this app is very easy. Simply follow the steps in this guide and enjoy an experience you never thought was possible on your smartphone or tablet.

Step 1: Download and install the app.

Step 2: Convert your virtual reality headset

Step 3: Open the app

Step 4: Adjust the screen’s horizontal and vertical offsets to fit the image.

Step 5: Select your VR headset to use it in the app.

The simulation supports Google Cardboard VR headsets.