Organize Search Engines

by Visit Website for Windows XP

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Organize your search engines with separators and folders

This neat Firefox add-on will help you put some order in your search engine menu, that is, the little field to the right of the browser’s address bar. With Organize Search Engines you’ll be able to arrange your configured engines in any order you like, insert separators and even save them in different folders, all of it from an easy-to-use windowed interface.

The only thing we missed is the ability to install new search engines right from this same interface, although there’s a link to the Search engines list at the Mozilla website. We didn’t quite understand either the usage of the “Restore Default Engine”, as it was permanently disabled and the add-on doesn’t include any help system.

This is definitely only for power users with dozens of installed search engines. But those will surely appreciate it.

This extensions is incompatible to Search Words. When I heard of that extension, I had already implemented it into Organize Search Engines. Differently from Search Words, keywords also work for engines using “post” requests when using Organize Search Engines.

Explicitly compatible extensions are Context Search and searchOnTab. Many other extensions that somehow interact with the search bar of Firefox are probably incompatible.