Material Dark

by Stanley Lim for Windows 8.1

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Read easily in low light with Material Dark

Material Dark is a free Chrome theme with a dark grey background and light lettering. Its minimalist design is easy on the eyes for users who want to work late at night or in other low-light environments. When you install this theme, the default background will become charcoal grey with a slightly lighter grey tab.

Easy on the eyes and easy to use

Material Dark is a simple theme without a lot of additional features. That’s what most users of minimalist themes are looking for, so this is a point in its favour. Despite the relatively slight difference between the background and tab colours, the difference is easy to spot. The open tab is highlighted, which makes it easy to tell the difference between the active and other tabs. The contrast between the text and background colours is easy to read without being too sharp. The toolbar buttons can sometimes be a little hard to spot due to the similarity between the button and toolbar colours. Menu colours don’t change, which is a problem common to Chrome themes.

A good choice for dark theme fans

If you prefer to work with a darker theme, Material Dark is an excellent example. It’s not too black, but has a clean, simple, flat-textured grey colour scheme that’s attractive and easy to use. There are a few small areas for improvement.