Banner Saga 2

by Versus Evil for Android 9.0

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Improved Norse RPG strategy sequel

Banner Saga 2 is a sequel to the popular role-playing game released back in 2014. Follow a rich story-driven experience set in a semi-fictional Norse setting with turn-based battles and luscious animations.

Engaging story

While the original game was well received by both players and critics, there was an overall feeling of incompleteness. Banner Saga 2 brings improvements to both depth and length, improving in almost every aspect while maintaining the positives of the first game. The game follows a group of explorers as they travel through a land littered with legendary warriors and dark secrets, engaging in team-based battles. Characters have their own attributes, levelling and growing through the game while developing their own personality. What elevates this beyond a typical party RPG like Final Fantasy is the detail and immersiveness. Banner Saga 2 features unique hand-drawn settings, a rich score and real engagement with decision making. The game draws players into the harsh frozen world, creating a more emotional experience than similar titles.

Vast improvement

Thanks to real improvements over its already successful predecessor, Banner Saga 2 earns a place as a classic example of the RPG. The many strengths of the game come together to create a compelling and touching title.