generate css-selector

by sudharma.puranik for

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Generate a Unique CSS Selector for an HTML DOM Element

The extension creates a selector based on the element id, its tag name, its class name and its parent. It is an application for generating CSS selectors.

It generates css selector of any size which is required in a web page, you don’t have to generate a whole css selector on a page but only that one which is required. It is a tool for generating CSS selector for an HTML element with your own text or HTML content which is unique. You can also create multiple selectors for the same element on a single HTML page. You don’t have to generate a unique css-selector for each element. The extension works as per the content of the website and generates the required css-selector.

It creates css-selector in the following format






It adds css to the web page which contains the required selectors, so the page does not need to be reloaded. You can also find out the ID and name of the parent element and tag of the HTML element. The parent tag and the tag name will appear in the css. You can find this in the extension itself.